> 春节2024 > 过年面点制作描述英语




During the Qing Guangxu period, there were two brothers named Chen in Wenzhou who made and sold a kind of snack called \"灯盏糕\" at the Dongmen Steep Gate in the city area. This snack, resembling a lantern, was made with minced pork leg and shredded radish as fillings, mixed with cooked yellow soybeans and rice flour paste from that year.


Udon noodles are prepared by kneading the dough with salt water, which promotes the quick formation of gluten. The dough is then rolled out and cut into udon noodles.


In English, desserts can be referred to as \"sweet treats\" or simply \"desserts.\" Specific sweet treats include fritters, apple fritters, souffles, and apple souffles.


1. Hamburgers originated from Germany, specifically a type of deep-fried beef patty called \"Hamburgsteak.\" It was introduced to the United States in the late 19th century. In 1932, someone sandwiched this deep-fried beef patty between small round buns sprinkled with sesame seeds, creating the modern hamburger.


Western pastries have various styles and characteristics based on different cultures and regions, such as German, French, English, and Russian styles. Originating from Europe and spreading worldwide, the methods of making Western pastries vary greatly due to regional and cultural differences. In addition to bread, cakes are also an important part of Western pastries.


Here is an English recipe for making pumpkin pie:
Classic Pumpkin Pie - Makes two 10-inch pies

  • 1 sugar pumpkin (about 4 pounds)
  • ...


Apple Pie Recipe
- 1 recipe pastry for a 9-inch double crust pie
- ...


Food can be divided into animal food and plant food. Traditional food is prepared by following specific recipes and cooking techniques. The preparation process of Western cuisine involves various methods such as baking, frying, grilling, and boiling.


The pastry industry in the West is commonly referred to as the baking industry and is highly developed in Europe and the Americas. Modern Western pastries, also known as \"西式面点\" (west pastry), primarily originated from Europe. The preparation methods for Western pastries vary greatly but are usually associated with Western cuisine.


In the spoon manufacturing industry, spoons can be categorized based on their functions. There are serving spoons, small spoons (commonly known as teaspoons), soup spoons (which can be further divided into thick soup spoons for consuming thick soups and clear soup spoons for consuming clear soups), and more.