> 文章列表 > 拜年相关知识英语






1. I wish you a happy new year. 祝你新年快乐!这句话简洁明了,可以用于向他人表达新年祝福。

2. I wish you good health and a happy new year. 祝你身体健康,新年快乐。身体健康是人们最重要的财富,通过这句话向他人表达对其全年的身心健康的祝福。

3. May the coming year bring you joy and success. 愿新的一年带给你喜悦和成功。这句话可以用来向他人表达对其未来一年的美好祝愿。



- 新年快乐!Happy New Year! 以这句话向他人表达新年祝福。

- 祝愿你新的一年一切顺利!Wishing you all the best in the New Year! 这句话可以用来展示对对方新来一年顺利的美好祝愿。

- 新的一年,新的开始!A new year, a fresh start! 这句话适用于鼓励他人在新的一年中积极向前。


1. Pay a New Year call: 表示拜访他人祝贺新年,传递新年的祝福和问候。

2. Wish sb a Happy New Year: 别人致以新年祝福。


比较正确的说法是: Happy Chinese New Year! 农历新年快乐!这是对中国传统农历新年的祝福。可以进一步添加几句祝贺词,例如:Wish you a prosperous New Year. 谨祝新年大吉大利。 May your dreams come true in the coming year. 愿你的梦想在新年实现。


Chinese New Year Celebration is the most important celebration of the year. Chinese people may celebrate the Chinese New Year by gathering with family and friends, sharing festive meals, exchanging red envelopes with lucky money, and setting off firecrackers. The festival lasts for fifteen days and is filled with various traditions and customs that symbolize good luck, fortune, and a fresh start. 中国新年是一年中最重要的庆典。中国人会通过与家人和朋友聚会、共进节日美食、互赠红包和放鞭炮来庆祝中国农历新年。这个节日历时15天,场面热闹非凡,充满了各种象征好运、财富和新开始的传统和习俗。



- 春节 The Spring Festival、农历 lunar calendar、正月 lunar January、除夕 New Year\'s Eve 是中国农历新年的其他称呼和相关词汇。

- Red envelopes 红包: Chinese tradition of giving money in red envelopes as a symbol of good luck and blessings during the New Year celebrations. 红包是中国农历新年期间一种赠送金钱的传统,象征着好运和祝福。

- Lion dance 舞狮: Traditional dance performed during Chinese New Year to symbolize good fortune and ward off evil spirits. 舞狮是中国农历新年期间表演的一种传统舞蹈,象征着好运和避邪。


First, allow me to express our gratitude to all of you for your continuous support and assistance throughout the year. We couldn\'t have achieved our success without you. On behalf of our team, we wish you and your loved ones a joyful and prosperous New Year. May the coming year bring you new opportunities, happiness, and fulfillment in all aspects of life. Happy New Year!



- Happy New Year: 新年快乐。这是新年时最常用的祝福语。

- Happy Spring Festival: 春节快乐。在中国,春节是最重要的传统节日。

- Everything goes well: 万事如意。用于向他人表达对其未来的美好祝愿。

- Congratulations and prosperity: 恭喜发财。用于庆贺新年和表达对他人财富与幸运的祝福。


Chinese New Year Celebration is the most important celebration of the year. Chinese people may celebrate the Chinese New Year by gathering with family and friends, sharing festive meals, exchanging red envelopes with lucky money, and setting off firecrackers. The festival lasts for fifteen days and is filled with various traditions and customs that symbolize good luck, fortune, and a fresh start. 中国新年是一年中最重要的庆典。中国人会通过与家人和朋友聚会、共进节日美食、互赠红包和放鞭炮来庆祝中国农历新年。这个节日历时15天,场面热闹非凡,充满了各种象征好运、财富和新开始的传统和习俗。